AWS EC2 vs. Google Compute Engine

January 18, 2022

AWS EC2 vs. Google Compute Engine

Choosing the right cloud hosting service can be a daunting task, especially when you have to choose between the two most popular services, AWS EC2 and Google Compute Engine.

Today, we are going to compare these two services and help you decide which one to choose based on your needs.


Pricing is a crucial factor when it comes to selecting a cloud hosting service.

Both AWS EC2 and Google Compute Engine offer pay-as-you-go models, where you only pay for what you use. However, there are some differences to be aware of.

AWS EC2 offers a variety of pricing options, including hourly, reserved instances, and spot instances. The price range varies from $0.0059/hour to $4.84/hour based on the type of instance you choose.

On the other hand, Google Compute Engine offers per-second billing, which is a bit more flexible. The price range varies from $0.0023/hour to $5/hour based on the type of instance you choose.


The performance of a cloud hosting service is vital when it comes to running your applications and services.

AWS EC2 has been in the market for quite some time, and it offers excellent performance. It provides a variety of instances, including general-purpose, compute-optimized, memory-optimized, and GPU instances.

Google Compute Engine offers instances that are equivalent to AWS EC2 instances. However, Google offers custom machine types that allow you to create instances with the exact amount of CPU and RAM you need.

Availability Zones

Both AWS EC2 and Google Compute Engine provide data centers across the world, called availability zones. An availability zone is a physical data center that offers redundancy and isolation.

AWS EC2 has over 200 availability zones across the world, while Google Compute Engine has around 100 data centers across the world.

User Interface

Both AWS EC2 and Google Compute Engine have user-friendly interfaces that allow users to manage their instances and services easily.

AWS EC2 offers a web-based console that is simple to use and provides a variety of options for managing instances and services.

Google Compute Engine offers Google Cloud Console, which is a bit more complex than AWS EC2. However, it provides a more detailed view of your instances and services.


Both AWS EC2 and Google Compute Engine are excellent cloud hosting services; choosing the right service depends on your needs.

AWS EC2 is an older service that has been in the market for quite some time and offers excellent performance and a variety of pricing options. Google Compute Engine is a younger service that has gained popularity due to its flexibility and custom machine types.

Before making a decision, take a look at your budget and performance requirements and choose the service that best fits your needs.


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